We waited for 7 years to meet our son. That whole time we wondered who he would be, what he would look like, what would his personality be, but most of all we prayed that wherever he was he was being showered with abundant love. We would soon find out just how much that was the case. We got the call on October 10th, 2017 that we would be parents to our son.
We arrived at Hope House on November 1st, 2017 and were literally welcomed with open arms by Granny Lynn and Nanny Sonia. The first moment we laid eyes on our son, he was held, contently, in Sonia’s arms. It was evident that he was loved and adored abundantly. Lynn, Sonia, Hazel, Doris and the many volunteers at Hope House are responsible for our son thriving during his first year of life. Sonia is known as the baby whisperer because of her unparalleled ability to nurture a child. She meets all the various needs each child has with strength, grace, wisdom and love. The result is happy, healthy children that are under the best possible care while awaiting their parents. But that’s not all. When we arrived at Hope House, we had experienced 7 years of an emotional roller coaster due to the adoption process. We were emotionally exhausted and, like all first-time moms and dads, unsure of the new territory of parenthood which we were about to embark on. Sonia and Lynn exuded such warmth when they welcomed us into the Hope House family. We truly felt through the adoption of our son, we became a part of Lynn and Sonia’s extended family.
Our transition time together over the next 8 weeks was spent getting to know each other better and seeing first the exceptionally selfless nature that is needed to successfully run Hope House. It is a 24 hour, 7 days a week, no breaks, full time commitment to invest in the well-being of others. Sonia accomplishes this with a bold, knowing smile, a secure hand, and the biggest heart on the planet. Sonia’s unconditional love is the fuel that runs Hope House. Her smile and her love has literally radiated around the world to make it a better place. Our first days as parents were made the best they possibly could be because of the generosity of Lynn and Sonia sharing their gifts of wisdom and compassion. Sonia took us under her wing to teach us everything we needed to do to meet our son’s needs. Her thoughtfulness, attention, focus and devotion prepared us well and made us better parents.
Three years later, we still draw upon her wisdom and support. Since Lynn’s unexpected passing in January 2019, Sonia has had to maintain Hope House with lessened support and resources. We cannot imagine the increased effort, strength and responsibility this has placed on Sonia, financially, emotionally, physically and mentally. It was a lot for two, it’s almost impossible for one person. Hope House could use your support. The most effective way you could help is to show your commitment and devotion by contributing a monthly amount so that Hope House knows, each month, it can count on the regular occurrence of your donation. This would go a long way in reducing the stress associated with finances and allow Sonia, Doris, Hazel to focus on the well-being of the children. Sonia’s investment in children has been given freely and without expectation. To reciprocate, an investment in Hope House would be fitting and allow the important work Sonia does to continue.