We have an adoption.
Congratulations to the Groenewegen family from Canada on the adoption of our little Precious (Prea). We can see how happy she already is...

Fund Raisers
Amie Harms very kindly organised a Noah’s Ark fund-raiser at Willow Creek Animal Farm which brought a good sum of money. This was in...

Two New Sponsors for ADOPT A COT
Adopt a Cot saw two new sponsors joining us on this venture – Bright Marble Accounting and Marshaul’s (Pty) Ltd joined Pinetown...

Big Thanks to Trellidor
A number of new volunteers have joined our team in recent months – Trish Joubert and her family, the McKeown ladies, the May sisters, the...

Mad hatters Tea Party
In April we celebrated the 3rd anniversary of our registration as a Non-Profit Organisation with a Mad Hatters’ Tea Party at the Nels...

Thank you Lisa
We apologise for the lack of updates on this blog, but this post should bring you up-to-date. There have been no adoptions since May...